Living THROUGH Life

One thing I've learned over the past 33 years is that life can be extremely hard at times. Some of these trials and tribulations we go THROUGH are caused by other people's actions and/or decisions and others we bring on ourselves. Regardless why they happen things can reach a point where they seem impossible at times; even the most faithful, spiritual, happy person can experience periods of hopelessness, depression, self-doubt, and other negative emotions that break us and keep us in an undesirable place in life. Personally I have grown tremendously from overcoming so many challenges that I've witnessed break other people. I was raised by my grandparents because neither one of my parents were fit to raise me, I was bullied as a child, I acted out in school, I started doing adult things at thirteen years old, I had three children by the time I was twenty-three, I've had struggles in my marriage, I've been taking care of my grandmother for a long time, and I've failed at things that were/are very important to me, but all of those things only made me a stronger, wiser confident go-getter who knows that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to through faith in God and his promises! As I've gotten older I've learned to face my trials and tribulations head on by accepting that there are going to be times in my life that I have to GO THROUGH a storm in order to WORK THROUGH the cleanup process so that I can enjoy the fruits of my labor when the harvest COMES THROUGH!
Life isn't about things being "good" all the time because how would we grow and learn and we never went THROUGH anything major? My goal in life is to take what I've learned and use it to not only help me and my family lead healthier lives; spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, and psychology, but to also help others that are going through difficult times find their strength and realize that they too can heal their brokenness and learn to live THROUGH their trials and tribulations. Together we can learn to live our lives with purpose on purpose!


  1. Keep pushing. This is OUR year. The year of understanding it’s okay to say no and live the life YOU want! 2019, let’s be selfish and take time out for us!


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