Keep on living

A dream deferred does not mean that you are now living a nightmare or are unable to live that dream in the future; it means that you are wise enough to recognize that now isn't the right time. It means that you are willing to give yourself the time you need to develop into the person you dream of becoming. It means that you are trusting God enough to know that his time is always the right time. Simply put, it means that you're willing to go through something to get somewhere!!!
Right now I'm living life as a wife, mother, granddaughter, and nurse who can't wait to go back to school to further my nursing career, but that dream is deferred for a few valid reasons and I'm okay with that. Yes, it occasionally bothers me when I see other people adding more letters behind their name; but I use those feelings as motivation that my dream is still possible and will happen one day.
I see so many people struggling to enjoy life because they're not happy with their current situation and don't know how to find happiness within and I refuse to continue to be one of those people. I will enjoy the life God is giving me each and every time he wakes me up to fight through another day!!!


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