Restoring the broken

As I sit and brew my morning cup of coffee on my keurig that has been broken for over a month I reflect on all I did to restore it back to its working form. Most people would of thrown it out after descaling it and getting no results. I mean it is over 5 years old, was given to me, and would of given me an excuse to buy a newer one; but I believe in problem solving and restoration so I descaled it again and allowed the vinegar to soak in the machine for a few days before attempting to flush it through and guess worked!
This same principle can be applied to the obstacles we will face in life. Sometimes you have to try multiple times and multiple ways to get through something. Whether it's achieving your career goals, losing weight, learning a new hobby, restoring a broken marriage, recovering from an illness, or learning how to do your own make-up if you want to be great at something you have to be willing to push past failures and try again. I would not be where I am today if I gave up every time I heard no or threw things away everytime they appeared to be broken. I have learned over the years that having a successful life is achieved through fixing what is broken not throwing things away and expecting their replacements to be better. With that mentality you're guaranteed to spend the majority of your life starting over with nothing to show for it in the end. Remember you're never too broken for God to restore you and bring you back even better than before!!!


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