Not easily broken

As I've worked on repairing myself over the past few months I've decided to use materials that are not easily broken so that the new and improved me would be even more indestructible! Realizing that the devil continuously attacks me because he wants to prove to God that his loyal soldiers can be pushed to a point of brokenness I must make sure that I'm prepared for these attacks! I try my best to keep my armor handy because I never know when a war will break loose. I have to get back to reading my Bible daily and going to church on my Sunday's off because those are essential to keeping me spiritually strong 💪 !
I'm writing this to say that I don't expect to live in a world where challenges don't come because perfection doesn't exist. I just want to be in a place where I'm prepared to face life's challenges. I want my children to be prepared for the different obstacles they will face and I'm going to do everything within my power to help them prepare. I'm also working on creating an environment where we enjoy the good times and each other during the good times by having family game night, going on vacations, praying together, singing together, dancing together, playing together, and loving on one another as often as we can! As I prepare for my upcoming gallbladder surgery I will continue to see the good in everything around me instead of feeling down on myself for having to have my third surgery in a year. I may bend, but I am not easily broken!!!


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