The harvest

On my usual morning ride today I couldn't help but notice how much the fields have changed over the past few months. Back in March I could tell the farmers were beginning to get their land prepared for next years harvest because they would be out at 6am with their plows and sprinklers treating the soil. After about a week of seeing this every day we experienced a cold front and the soil they had been working so hard on froze up! I was devastated for them. A few days later I noticed that when the temperature started going back up the farmers were right back to their early morning prep work and amazingly the soil was already back to being soft and ready to use. At that moment I realized that the only way they would see a harvest next year was to get up and keep moving forward. Wasting time dwelling on the time that was lost on those cold mornings would of only slowed things down more.
I am thankful that God has allowed me to watch a field go from being cold, hard, and dead to warm, soft, and full of life over the past few months because it has helped me realize that the only way I will reap the reward of healing my brokenness is to continue to work on me no matter how many setbacks or cold fronts I may be faced with. In the end never let a storm stop you from finding your rainbow after it clears!!!!


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