My life isn't good enough

I wish my hair was long like hers. I wish I drove his car. I wish I had that job. Her body looks better than mines. His parents treat him better than mines treat me.
Well what if I told you people have been pulling her hair since she was a little girl. He lives in his car because he couldn't afford his rent and his car payment. She's has Crohns disease and feels miserable all the time. His father hits his mom and rapes him.
In this day and age with so much access to each others lives via social media it's a lot easier to compare yourself and your life to someone else and their life. Doing this can cause us to think we're just not good enough or that our lives are bad because we're not doing what everyone else is doing. We do it at Christmas time. We do it during the summer when people go on vacations. We see it on #mancrushmonday and #womancrushwednesday. It's honestly time to stop putting so much stock in what someone else is posting (doing) and live our own lives! I've learned that if I spend more time living my own life that I would enjoy it more and live it better. Nobody else has to live my life so I can't compare it to anyone else's. I've been through a lot of trials and tribulations and I know some people couldn't last a week in my shoes, but I'm doing and I'm damn good at it. So the next time one of your friends is posting their third vacation pic of the year and you're feeling bad for yourself because you haven't been on a vacation in years get out of your feelings and be thankful for where YOU are in life and if going on a vacation is important to you plan one, work towards it, pay it off, and enjoy your vacation!!!


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