Don't let your guard down
In life when you're trying to overcome brokenness it is very easy to allow moments of goodness to cause you to let your guard down. For instance tax have your return and all of these plans that can get you back on track financially. Initially you are doing good; you've paid bill after bill after bill and it feels good so you break your budget and treat yourself to a thing or two...suddenly those not so high on the list financial goals become less important. You start to reason why it's okay because you paid all of the main let your guard down. Just like when you're trying to leave someone alone. You finally find the courage to pull back, but as soon as the person seems to be getting it you let your guard down and end up right back where you were before. I've said all of this to remind myself and whoever else may need to hear this don't let your guard down when you're overcoming brokenness it will set you back!!!
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