Mask on, mask off

Imagine having an eviction notice, a repossession notice, past due bills, and little to no food with no energy or strength to get up and go to work; barely enough strength to make it out of bed. Some days I honestly didn't make it out. Now imagine living like this for days and weeks at a time....that used to be me. I was so depressed and consumed with what I didn't have that I allowed the things I did have to slip away. Missing work, losing jobs, and becoming more broken was a reoccurring part of my life for years. Something had to change and I needed to make it happen.
So over the years I've made it my mission to not spent too much time dwelling on my problems. I have learned to get up and push through each day the same way I would if I was problem free. Having this mindset has helped me get through some of my darkest times and get closer to being the woman I know God designed me to be. I would not have accomplished my dream of becoming a nurse because nursing school was not easy and I went through a lot of challenges while I was in the program. Starting out I was under the impression that I would be able to work part-time and focus on school full-time, but two months into the program I was working full-time because financially my family needed me. Five months into the program my husband decided that taking a regional truck driving job would be the best way to gain the experience he needed as a new driver, but that left me having to figure out how to manage school, work, and our three children for five weeks while he was away for training. After training he would only be able to come home for a day and a half once a week. Six months into the program I found out we needed to move from his mother's house in less than three months. Right before my last and most challenging semester of the program my husband lost his job. We had just moved into our own townhouse and I was planning on going part-time, but that was no longer an option.
I was able to overcome all of those obstacles because I fought through my brokenness. I knew what I wanted and was determined to get it by any means necessary. Changing my mindset has helped me acquire the ability to get up each day, put my mask on, and fight to do the things that I need to do no matter how bad or defeated I may be feeling!


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