Rollercoaster Marriage

"I'm done", "It's over", "I can't do this anymore", and "I give up" are all phrases that I've said and/or heard a few times over the past thirteen years. To be honest with you guys some of those words were spoken within the past month, but when you vow to be with someone forever you have to know that there will be bad times. Especially when you get married before really getting to know one another. For those of you that don't know my husband and myself chose to get married after only nine months of knowing one another at the young ages of 26 and 21 years old. I was already a single mother of a one year old and my husband was coming out of a divorce so the odds were stacked against us to say the least. We have dealt with financial issues, insecurities, infidelities, health issues, family issues, and a variety of other issues over the years, but we always manage to come out of things together fighting for our marriage and ho...