Rebuild and Restore:Trusting the Process

This season of my life is my winter...I am shedding the old while God is creating the new within me! The journey to restoration is not always pretty because in order to fully bloom in Spring everything must die and fall off so that there is room for the new buds to grow. Asking God to take control of your life and giving him full access to your mind, body, and spirit and is like planting a seed and waiting for the flowers to grow. While the seed is being nourished and fed with water, soil, and sunlight the shell has to crack and break open to fully receive the nutrients. This is where the magic really happens because as the roots begin to emerge from the broken seed and plant themselves deep in the ground the flower is claiming it's place in the soil. Imagine if you dug it up while all of this was could possibly mistake the broken seed as no good and give up on your flower before it has a chance to show you how beautiful it can grow to be. For this reason you have t...